Press Releases: Michigan CBC Continues the Work of Leveraging Technology as a Platform for Innovation

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Michigan CBC Continues the Work of Leveraging Technology as a Platform for Innovation

Lansing, MI - The Michigan Collaborative Broadband Committee (CBC) is set for another informative meeting on December 15.

The CBC is a group of representatives from K-12 education, higher education, broadband service providers, non-profits, tourism, business, agriculture, government, and other organizations that have an interest in improving Michigan’s broadband availability and encouraging meaningful adoption.

In June, Connect Michigan, in partnership with the Michigan Public Service Commission, convened the first CBC meeting with a mission to maximize Michigan’s opportunity for using broadband as a platform for technological modernization through transformational solutions.

Since that time, there have been some exciting developments in the state as three communities have engaged Connect Michigan’s innovative new technology development program.

Committees from Clare County, Barry County, and the Harbor Springs region have all joined the Connected community certification program, an initiative that facilitates the building of comprehensive action plans for developing technology-ready communities by reviewing the technology landscape, developing regional partnerships, establishing local teams, and conducting thorough community assessments.

At the upcoming CBC meeting, attendees will have the opportunity to hear from eight guest presenters who will discuss broadband and technology-related projects and programs from across the state including:
  • Shared Services – Opportunities and Updates: Jessica Moy – Department of Technology Management and Budget
  • Rural Utilities Service Telecommunications Programs: Ron Mellon – United States Department of Agriculture Rural Utilities Service
  • Michigan Benefits Access Initiative: Nancy Lindman – Michigan Association of United Ways
  • Michigan Virtual University: Julie Swartz and students from Maple Valley High School, Vermontville, Michigan, and Jay Bennett from the Michigan Virtual University
  • Center for Community and Economic Development: John Melcher, Michigan State University
  • Utilizing School Technology for Positive Community Impact: Tom Richardson, Van Buren County ISD
  • Michigan State University Gig.U Initiative and Other Projects: Tremaine Phillips and Steve Webster, Prima Civitas Foundation
  • Exploring Broadband and Economic Development in Michigan: Tyler Borowy, Land Policy Institute at Michigan State University

“Everyone on the CBC works every day to expand the access, adoption, and use of broadband technology throughout the state. The holiday season is a perfect time to take an important step back and listen to others and be reminded of how that work impacts the lives of Michigan students, families, communities, and other organizations,” said Eric Frederick, program manager for Connect Michigan. “We are excited for the new year and the new opportunities it brings to expand broadband in Michigan.”

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