Press Releases: Lyon County Joins Innovative Broadband Expansion Effort

Monday, December 19, 2011

Lyon County Joins Innovative Broadband Expansion Effort

Leaders enlist in Nevada’s Connected program to bridge technology gap, boost economy, and quality of life

YERINGTON, NV – Lyon County leaders are taking a new step toward job growth and better quality of life in west central Nevada. The region has now been enrolled in an innovative program that is designed to increase access, adoption, and use of broadband internet access.

Staff from Connect Nevada, the statewide nonprofit promoting broadband expansion, led Lyon County leaders through the steps of the new “Connected” community certification program that offers a comprehensive and localized way for communities to bridge the digital divide.

The most current Connect Nevada research shows that businesses with broadband average $100,000 more in annual median revenues than businesses without. Currently, 97% of Lyon County has terrestrial broadband service available at speeds of 768 Kbps or above. Only 70% have 3 Mbps download speed service available. While the vast majority of households in the state have broadband available, approximately one-fifth of the population still does not use it at home.

“I was impressed with the idea of bandwidth expansion from Las Vegas through Silver Springs and Stagecoach to Carson City,” said Kari Larson, the general manager for the Silver Springs-Stagecoach Hospital District. “With electronic medical records, job search capabilities, and enhanced communications, it's crucial that all generations have the opportunity to participate in advanced technologies. As the Lyon County point-person toward the certification process with Connect Nevada, I hope that this area will receive recommendations and funding that benefits all local residents.”

The Connected certification program entails building a comprehensive action plan for developing a technology-ready community by reviewing the technology landscape, developing regional partnerships, establishing local teams, and conducting thorough community assessments.

“Connect Nevada is very excited to be in Lyon County, as we partner with the Lyon County School District, which has been tirelessly working on opening five computing centers for residents,” said Lindsey Niedzielski, Connect Nevada’ State Program Manager. “We believe their efforts along with the formation of a local planning team is going to make enormous strides at chipping away at Lyon County’s staggering unemployment rate, the highest in Nevada.”

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