Press Releases: September 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Connect Colorado Launches Website to Promote Universal Broadband Access Across State

Denver, Colorado – The Governor’s Office of Information Technology has partnered with Connected Nation, a national 501(c)3, to launch a website for its comprehensive broadband mapping initiative titled Connect Colorado. The site is designed to assess current broadband availability across the state, highlighting those areas that are presently unserved by a broadband provider. The website ( allows for consumer feedback and broadband validation.

Current broadband subscribers can test the speed of their connections and describe how broadband has impacted their lives. For those who don’t currently have broadband access, the site offers visitors the ability to add their name and address to a secure database of households that would like to subscribe if given the opportunity. The information collected on the website will validate the broadband inventory maps created with broadband provider data. The inventory maps will inform Colorado’s next steps to deliver broadband to all residents across the state. The federal stimulus bill may be a potential source for funds to enhance broadband availability.

“Colorado’s economy depends on a strong technology infrastructure in every region of our state, and this website offers Colorado citizens the opportunity to be an essential part of the data collection process,” said Michael Locatis, State Chief Information Officer. “We hope that all citizens will contribute meaningful information.”

The feedback from the website will assist in shaping the broadband inventory maps set to be released in November 2009.

Colorado is one of several states working with Connected Nation to map service availability and support a state broadband expansion. Public-private partnerships have proven to be an effective model for expanding the availability of broadband and increasing computer literacy and Internet use. Through its extensive work, Connected Nation has proven that states and communities can realize a significant economic impact if broadband is universally available and is being adopted into homes at high rates.

Broadband infrastructure investments have shown to stimulate the economy and lead to job growth and are critical for the delivery of healthcare and education, civic engagement, and a host of other important areas.

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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Connected Texas Launches Web site to Solicit Citizen Feedback About Broadband

AUSTIN– Today, the Texas Department of Agriculture and Connected Nation launched a Web site for Texas’ comprehensive broadband mapping initiative. The site is designed to collect information from Texans to help identify current broadband availability across the state and highlight areas that are currently unserved by a broadband provider. The Web site,, allows for consumer feedback and broadband validation. Press Release

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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Texas State Library and Archives Commission to Participate in Program to Improve Library Internet Connections

Austin, Texas - The Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) has been invited by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to participate in the Opportunity Online broadband grant program designed to improve and sustain free, quality Internet connectivity in the state’s public libraries. Press Release

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