Press Releases: December 2009

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Governor Quinn Announces $1.8 Million Awarded to Illinois to Improve Broadband Access

Federal Recovery Funds Will Help with Mapping, Planning Efforts

CHICAGO –Governor Pat Quinn today announced that Illinois has received $1.8 million in funding through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to improve broadband access throughout the state. The grant, awarded by the U.S. Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), will assist the state with broadband mapping and planning efforts.

“This funding will help ensure that no one in Illinois is left out of the technological revolution. Today, too many individuals are without access to affordable internet service – this is especially true in our rural and low-income communities,” said Governor Quinn. “This funding is a big step toward realizing Illinois' broadband goals.”

A Partnership for a Connected Illinois (Connect Illinois) is the non-profit entity that has been designated by the state to manage this project. Connect Illinois will use approximately $1.3 million of the funding for broadband data collection and mapping activities and approximately $500,000 for broadband planning activities.

Once complete, Illinois will have statewide data on the availability, speed and location of broadband services. The data collected and compiled will be used to develop broadband maps with the intention of targeting state resources to unserved and underserved areas. The data will also eventually help populate a national broadband map.

“These maps will ultimately help us focus state resources on the neediest areas, helping to ensure that no matter where you live, you have the availability and access to internet service,” said Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Director Warren Ribley. “With these resources, we’re opening the door to greater opportunities for 21st century job growth and economic prosperity in Illinois."

A long-time advocate of improving the state’s broadband access, Governor Quinn has taken many significant steps to ensure connectivity in all areas of Illinois. The Illinois Jobs Now! capital bill provides funding for placing fiber-optic network conduit along highway projects in unserved areas; and the state provided technical grant writing assistance and matching grants to ARRA applicants who would provide broadband services. The federal government is expected to announce those grant recipients at any time.

For more information on the state’s broadband efforts, visit

Link to press release

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MPSC: Michigan Awarded $1.8 Million Grant to Launch Broadband Mapping and Planning Initiative

The Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) today announced that Michigan has received a $1.8 million grant from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to launch a comprehensive broadband mapping and planning initiative called Connect Michigan. The funding, provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act), will enable the state to collect data and develop a detailed map of existing broadband service.

“Extending high-speed Internet access to every corner of the state is part of our effort to diversify Michigan’s economy and create jobs,” noted Governor Jennifer M. Granholm. “The comprehensive coverage map developed with the Recovery Act funds will help us open the door to the economic opportunities afforded by faster, more reliable Internet access to un-served and underserved communities throughout the state.”

“The map that will be created as a result of this grant will be a crucial tool for businesses, customers and policymakers to identify areas that still lack service and close the digital divide,” added MPSC Chairman Orjiakor Isiogu.

Connect Michigan is a partnership between the Michigan Public Service Commission and Connected Nation, a national leader in broadband mapping. An initial map is scheduled to be complete by the spring of 2010. The state will use the information gathered during the two-year project to plan broadband expansion efforts and spur investment in un-served and underserved areas.

Michigan residents are encouraged to visit the Connect Michigan Web site -- – to test their Internet speed, take a technology assessment and learn more about the initiative.

View entire press release here.

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Tennessee Awarded $1.8 million in Recovery Act Funding For Broadband Initiative

Grants Will Enable Mapping for Service

NASHVILLE –Tennessee will receive $1.8 million in federal funding for broadband mapping and planning in an effort to increase the availability and use of high-speed Internet service in the state. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) matching grant is awarded by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA).

The award will help Connected Tennessee, the organization that helps accelerate the availability of broadband in Tennessee, deliver a comprehensive map of existing broadband service to the state.

“Expanding access to high-speed Internet services across our state is key to economic development in today’s environment,” Governor Phil Bredesen said. “About half the state’s geographic area is underserved for broadband, representing about 10 percent of Tennesseans. This Recovery Act funding will put Tennessee in a better position to compete in the new global economy.”

In conjunction with broadband providers in the state, Connected Tennessee will periodically update service maps to reflect broadband availability and other relevant information such as household size, topographical information and civil infrastructure data.

Connected Tennessee is a public-private partnership launched by the state in 2007 to unite local governments, businesses and citizens in the goal of increasing broadband service in the state’s underserved areas. The state has contracted with Connected Nation, a national leader in broadband issues and technology, to help with mapping and planning.

“We are pleased to be working with the state to further develop our existing broadband maps and to paint a more accurate picture of broadband availability throughout the state,” said Michael Ramage, Connected Tennessee’s executive director. “We are honored to be recognized for the work we have accomplished over the past two years and to be afforded the opportunity build on that foundation to further close the digital divide in the state of Tennessee.”

Tennessee businesses, organizations, Internet service providers and citizens can contribute to the mapping process by visiting to provide information about broadband access in their areas.

Mapping is one of four parts of the state’s application for broadband grants. The state also applied for $20.9 million for broadband infrastructure; $5.67 million for sustainability and adoption; and, $4.92 million for public computer centers. Federal announcement related to those three areas are not expected until early 2010.

View entire press release here.

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Ohio Awarded $1.8 Million for Broadband Mapping

Recovery Act funding to provide consumers and policymakers with improved data on broadband service

Columbus, OH – Ohio Governor Ted Strickland today announced the State of Ohio was awarded a $1.8 million federal grant to help implement the Strickland Administration’s plan to compile and map broadband availability in Ohio, including location, available speed and type of technology delivering the service.

“We created Connect Ohio in 2008 to determine where Ohio’s broadband infrastructure exists – and where it doesn’t exist – to better target the investments that will help us reach our goal of providing broadband access to all Ohioans,” Strickland said. “This grant will accelerate our efforts to expand economic and educational opportunities to more Ohioans.”

The program, funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, will increase broadband access and adoption through better data collection and broadband planning. The data will be displayed in the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s national broadband map, a tool that will inform policymakers' efforts and provide consumers with improved information on the broadband Internet services available to them.

Ohio’s program is administered by the Ohio Department of Administrative Services in collaboration with Connect Ohio, a public-private partnership established to work with telecommunication providers and communities to bring digital inclusion to Ohio residents and businesses.

“We are pleased to be working with the Strickland Administration to help create and enhance a comprehensive broadband map in the state of Ohio, and we’re particularly pleased to provide continuing broadband planning efforts to local communities across the state,” said Tom Fritz, executive director of Connect Ohio. “We applaud NTIA for working diligently to create a national broadband map and are honored to continue the work in Ohio to provide tools that will enable economic, social, and educational benefits to residents and businesses across the state.”

This grant will assist the State of Ohio to deliver more comprehensive and accurate broadband mapping data identifying coverage to a higher degree of accuracy, develop state and county-level broadband maps, support existing spatial development projects in Ohio, aid in the development and maintenance of a national broadband map, and fund statewide initiatives directed at broadband planning.

The Ohio Department of Administrative Services will receive the funds through the State Broadband Data and Development Grant Program administered by the U.S. Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration.

Since 2008, Connect Ohio has benchmarked Ohio’s broadband availability and usage through the use of surveys and data gathered through its relationships with broadband providers across the state. Detailed information is available at a statewide and county level for businesses and residents regarding broadband availability, access, subscribership, barriers to adoption, computer ownership and average subscriber rates.

View the entire press release here.

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Connect Minnesota Receives Recovery Act Funding

NTIA Awards $1.7 Million to the Connect Minnesota Broadband Mapping Initiative to Improve High Speed Internet Access Across State

St. Paul, MN – Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) awarded Minnesota a $1.7 million grant to support a comprehensive broadband mapping and planning initiative through the Connect Minnesota program.

Connect Minnesota ( is a partnership between the Minnesota Department of Commerce and Connected Nation to increase broadband Internet access throughout Minnesota. The grant is comprised of $1.2 million for broadband data collection and mapping activities over a two-year period and almost $500,000 for broadband planning activities over a five-year period in Minnesota, bringing the total grant award to approximately $1.7 million. The award provided through NTIA’s State Broadband Data and Development Grant Program is a matching grant and part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

The data collected from the Connect Minnesota initiative will be displayed in the national broadband map, which will help inform policymakers and provide consumers with improved information on broadband Internet services available in the United States. The national broadband map is scheduled for release in February 2011. Connect Minnesota will also be implementing a brand new interactive mapping tool for viewing, analyzing and validating Minnesota’s broadband data. Called BroadbandStat, the new interactive mapping platform is a multi-functional, user-friendly way for local leaders, policymakers, consumers and technology providers to devise a plan for the expansion and adoption of broadband. BroadbandStat was developed by Connected Nation in conjunction with ESRI, the world market leader in geographic information system (GIS) software.

Minnesota has been a leader in bringing broadband-enabled technology to its citizens. In the fall of 2008, the Minnesota Department of Commerce first began working with Connected Nation through its subsidiary non-profit, Connect Minnesota, to assess the level of broadband connectivity statewide through an initial broadband mapping process. On June 30, 2009, Connect Minnesota released an updated version of the statewide broadband inventory map that illustrates the extent of broadband services available across Minnesota. The Connect Minnesota map, which represented broadband availability data from 110 broadband providers across the state, has served as a key asset for providers within the state as they seek federal stimulus funding to support broadband investment.

“We are honored that Connect Minnesota has been recognized by this award and proud to be continuing our partnership with the Minnesota Department of Commerce,” said Brian R. Mefford, Connected Nation’s chief executive officer. ”The funding provided by this award is going to allow us to make valuable updates to Minnesota’s broadband maps and gather critical information for the expansion of broadband service and use throughout the state over the next few years.”

Related Links:

ARTICLE: Minnesota Census Block Level Data on Connected’s Broadband Maps (, 07/27/09)

PRESS RELEASE: Connect Minnesota Launches New Maps and Data Tools for Tapping Broadband Stimulus Dollars (07/24/09)

PRESS RELEASE: Connect Minnesota Updates Broadband Inventory Maps to Prepare for Federal Stimulus (06/30/09)

ARTICLE: At Issue: Connecting The State (Minnesota Public Radio, 02/13/09)

PRESS RELEASE: Connect Minnesota Releases Broadband Inventory Map to Highlight Available Service and Identify Remaining Gaps (Minnesota House of Representatives, 02/05/09)

ARTICLE: New Map Shows Speeds of the Information Superhighway (Minnesota Public Radio, 01/26/09)

PRESS RELEASE: Connect Minnesota Launches Web Site to Promote Universal Broadband Access (12/16/09)

Download Press Release here.

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South Carolina Receives $1.7M to Map State’s Broadband Availability

Connect South Carolina Initiative Will Feature Latest in Broadband Mapping Technology.

Columbia, SC– Yesterday, South Carolina received a match grant of approximately $1.7 million from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to support a comprehensive broadband mapping and planning initiative through the Connect South Carolina program.

Connect South Carolina ( is a partnership between the state of South Carolina and Connected Nation to increase broadband Internet access throughout rural South Carolina. The grant is comprised of $1.2 million for broadband data collection and mapping activities over a two-year period and almost $500,000 for broadband planning activities over a five-year period in South Carolina, bringing the total grant award to approximately $1.7 million. The award provided through NTIA’s State Broadband Data and Development Grant Program is a matching grant and part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

"For our state to be remain competitive and thrive in an increasingly global marketplace, it is vital that people living in rural South Carolina have as much of a chance to get on the information highway as people living in our urban cores," said Governor Mark Sanford. "As we've long advocated, without high speed access, the economic growth opportunities of these regions may well be locked in at low speeds and for the way that this grant can help the public sector leverage the private sector's investment in rural broadband, I'd encourage Connect South Carolina in the task before them."

The data collected from the Connect South Carolina initiative will be displayed in the national broadband map, which will help inform policymakers and provide consumers with improved information on broadband Internet services available in the United States.

As part of the Connect South Carolina initiative, Connected Nation will be implementing a brand new interactive mapping tool for viewing, analyzing and validating broadband data. Called BroadbandStat, the new interactive mapping platform is a multi-functional, user-friendly way for local leaders, policymakers, consumers and technology providers to devise a plan for the expansion and adoption of broadband. BroadbandStat was developed by Connected Nation in conjunction with ESRI, the world market leader in geographic information system (GIS) software.

BroadbandStat is unique because it allows a user to build and evaluate broadband expansion scenarios using a wealth of data, including education and population demographics, current broadband speeds and availability and research about the barriers to adoption. The tool also provides an instant feedback mechanism for consumers to validate broadband data electronically or via phone.

As the organization that produced the nation’s first accurate statewide broadband availability map in 2005, Connected Nation is a prominent voice for the nation’s need for better broadband data. Connected Nation has worked closely with national leaders and provided numerous filings in support of a process for broadband data collection at the national level.

“We are pleased to be working with the state to help create a comprehensive broadband map of South Carolina,” said Brian R. Mefford, Connected Nation’s chief executive officer. ”We applaud NTIA for working diligently to create a national broadband map and are honored to have been selected to help South Carolina in its efforts to close the digital divide in the state.”

Download press release

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Monday, December 14, 2009

Connected Nation State-level Digital Inclusion Work Highlighted at FCC Public Hearing

Connected Tennessee’s Executive Director Michael Ramage Invited to Speak at Federal Communications Commission’s Field Hearing in Memphis

Memphis, Tenn. -- Today, the digital inclusion work of Connected Tennessee, a Connected Nation state-level initiative, will be highlighted during a Federal Communications Commission’s field hearing in Memphis.

Connected Tennessee’s executive director Michael Ramage will speak at one of a series of FCC’s public hearings promoting an open discussion between the commission and the public on the development of a national broadband plan.

In Tennessee, work to provide expanded access to and use of broadband has seen significant success. Since Connected Tennessee’s 2007 inception, more than 250,000 Tennesseans have gained access to broadband.

Connected Tennessee has accomplished this goal by involving all of Tennessee’s 95 counties in a technology planning and outreach process called e-Community Strategies. Through this process, each county creates local leadership teams, comprised of leaders from both the private and public sector. These teams work to create county-level technology plans in order to address a particular county’s challenges related to technology growth.

In addition to this process, Connected Tennessee has distributed more than 2,100 computers to children, families and community-based organizations through its Computers 4 Kids program. In October, Connected Tennessee’s Computers 4 Kids program was awarded a “community service” award at the 7th annual TechStar Awards in Kingsport, Tenn. The honor was given for the program’s commitment of time and resources to improve the community through technology.

Following the success of state-based programs like Connected Tennessee’s Computer 4 Kids, Connected Nation and several leading technology companies including Intel, Fujitsu, Velocity Micro and ZT Systems announced in August the creation of Every Citizen Online (SM), a public-private partnership program that will enable computer ownership and broadband use in low-income and unconnected homes throughout the United States.

The program will help vulnerable populations overcome the top barriers to adoption: broadband awareness and training, computer ownership and subscription affordability.

Joining together technology companies and local entities, the program will provide digital literacy and help unconnected consumers purchase a new broadband-enabled computer using an instant rebate, bundled with a year of discounted broadband service.

Related Links:

Press Release:
Connected Nation Partners with Technology Leaders to Apply for Broadband Stimulus Funds to Connect More U.S. Households

About: Every Citizen Online (SM)

Whitepaper: Investing in Sustainable Broadband Adoption (PDF)

News Article: Intel's Maloney talks beer and broadband (The Hill, 10/29/09)

News Article:
Q&A with Brian Meffford, CEO, Connected Nation About Every Citizen Online (Wireless Government Report, 12/07/09)

News Article: U.S. Stimulus: Intel Invests in Sustainable Broadband Adoption (Policy@Intel blog, 08/20/09)

News Article:
Intel, Dell, Fujitsu Partner with Nonprofit to Increase Low-income Internet Access (The Daily Tell, 08/18/09)

News Article: Connected Nation, Technology Stalwarts Launch Every Citizen Online (Cherokeean Hearld, 08/19/09)

News Article: Connected Nation: Access Not the Biggest Problem (TMCNet, 08/14/09)

News Article: Intel, Dell Join Nonprofit To Bring Cheap Internet Svc To Poor (Dow Jones Newswire via The Wall Street Journal, 08/13/09)

View press release

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Connected Nation Receives Recovery Act Funding For Broadband Mapping and Planning Initiatives in Alaska and Kansas

NTIA Awards Lay the Groundwork For Launch of Connect Alaska and Connect Kansas Initiatives

Washington, DC –Yesterday, the Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) announced approximately $4 million in grant awards for Alaska and Kansas, enabling Connected Nation to launch comprehensive broadband mapping initiatives in partnership with those states.

“Connected Nation’s mission is to see that every American, no matter where he or she lives, has access to high-speed Internet,” said Brian R. Mefford, Connected Nation’s chief executive officer. ”Whether it is making a purchase online or filling out a job application, broadband is key to accessing and sharing information in this technology-driven economy. By plotting broadband availability on a map, we can find the quickest path to closing the digital gaps that still exist for many Americans.

“We applaud NTIA for working diligently to create a national broadband map and are honored to have been selected to help Alaska and Kansas in their efforts to increase broadband in rural areas.”

Connected Nation will soon be working with 12 states and one U.S. territory on the national broadband mapping effort. These efforts comprise approximately 42 percent of the country’s landmass and encompass approximately 39.5 million households.

More than $7 billion in stimulus funds have been designated to help expand broadband access to unserved and underserved communities across the United States. These funds are available through NTIA’s Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) and the Rural Utilities Service’s Broadband Initiatives Program (BIP). NTIA has received applications for the grant program from all 50 states, five territories, and the District of Columbia and the agency is currently reviewing the remaining 35 applications. The remaining awards are expected to be announced in the next few weeks.

As the organization that produced the nation’s first granular statewide broadband availability map in 2005, Connected Nation is a prominent voice for the nation’s need for better broadband data. Connected Nation has worked closely with national leaders and provided numerous filings in support of a process for broadband data collection at the national level. To learn more about the programs that are helping more families and communities connect through broadband, visit
Related Links:
Download press release here.

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